Health Care


Arrangements concerning health care should be made well before leaving for France. In Finland, the primary instance is Kela, and possibly one's own insurance company.

Questions related to health care are important and demand the attention of students about to leave abroad. Even if it is easy to move within the European Union, health problems - and especially costs caused by them - can grow a lot of gray hair.

General social security

If a person a person covered by Finnish social security is temporarily residing abroad due to studies up to one year, the right to Finnish social security is maintained during this period. It is important to inform Kela about the temporary residence abroad. One must also inform the registry office (maistraatti) of a residence abroad that lasts longer than three months.

Students and researchers staying abroad for longer than a year may maintain their right to the Finnish social security coverage, but they must send an application to Kela within one year of residing abroad. To keep this right, one must have been covered by the Finnish social security before moving abroad and maintain close relations to Finland. Studies must be full-time, lead to a profession or a degree, and take place in an institute approved by the government. Research must be funded by research grants. It is recommended to submit an application already before moving abroad, in order to guarantee an uninterrupted adherence to the social security system.

In case you have been working alongside studies, you are most often transferred to the social security system of your country of residence, provided that you meet the criteria of the country in question.

Note that the general social security and student allowance are two separate things. One can be eligible for the Kela student allowance (study grant, housing supplement, state-guaranteed student loan) even if one was not part of the Finnish social security system.

The French general social security for international students

As an EU citizen, one has access to similar health care services as in their home country, provided that they have the European health insurance card. You can apply for the European health insurance card on the Kela website. International students from outside the European Union can register to the French social security for free at


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